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Lens Flare New Years Home Page

Posted on January 14, 2015 by

beautiful home page banner

In a concinuation of our varied home pages we came up with the concept of a New Year’s banner that reflected the practice of people getting fit as their New Year’s resolution, Jakub, our designer came up with the concept image above and we all thought it was great so we got the banner ready to go.

In keeping with all of our other home page banners we wanted some kind of interesting movement. After a bit of searching I found a link to this tutorial – https://www.script-tutorials.com/flare-lens/ which enabled me to put a nice lens flare effect on page load.

Snow joke… JavaScript Falling Snow technique….

Posted on December 2, 2013 by

Within a week of launching the new web-feet site we decided to implement a changing theme for the banner (to change with the seasons). We had already developed clouds to float across the screen in summer, but we needed some rain and snow for winter and autumn…

So I turned to Google to find a canvas HTML5solution, and ended up implementing my own JavaScript.

Here is the result for the snow on jsfiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/k7RHs/10/).

As you can see the result is very pleasing and the snow also slowly “settles” at the bottom of the element in which it is contained.

If you would like this effect on your site for christmas then get in contact!

Happy Christmas!


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