Hubspot Release Email Marketing Certification - Web-Feet Blog

Hubspot Release Email Marketing Certification

Posted on May 4, 2016 by

Today, if you follow anything Email Marketing related you would have seen Hubspot release their FREE Email Marketing Certification.

This is kind of a big deal for some people as there hasn’t been too much of a change in the certification world for some time and with Hubspot having one the biggest Marketing software platforms in the world this will help secure plenty of jobs for talented users of Hubspot Email Marketing.

Hubspot Email Marketing Certification

The Course is free to everyone and is backed by some serious people like Justine Jordan VP of Marketing at Litmus Software and Laura Atkins Email Deliverability Expert at Word to the Wise. This shows that what you can learn really is relevant and not just some attempt at grabbing information from you.

Why get certified?

Email marketing has been around for over 40 years, and for good reason. It’s a highly personalised, one-to-one, a conversion-focused channel that you own – a rarity in today’s pay-to-play environment of new marketing platforms. We created this course to give marketers an interdisciplinary approach to managing email marketing. By achieving this certification, you will have proven your understanding of advanced email marketing tactics and its purpose in your inbound marketing strategy.

Who should get certified?

  • Marketers looking to advance their marketing career with an advanced certification.
  • Marketing Leaders who want their team to get more out of every email send.
  • Entrepreneurs who need to grow their audience and nurture their customers.
  • Students looking for internships or full-time positions in digital marketing roles.

We will be taking the course soon and adding another Hubspot Certification to our wall of awards very soon, in the meantime if you take it let us know your thoughts!

Learn more by visiting the page here –


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