8 Everyday Blog Mistakes!
Posted on April 20, 2016 by Jay Jones
We read many blogs and came across an article from one of our favourites which made us think, what the most common everyday blog mistakes we see!
So below we list our are personal favs to stop you making these school boy errors.
1. Improbable publishing schedule – an obvious one, you start writing daily and have a week or two’s worth of content but suddenly life catches up and you realise you cannot post as regularly as you want, be realistic, never start at the top, build it.
2. HEADERS ARE IMPORTANT – Basically, headers actually help with keyword search and many other techy SEO and search bits.
3. “click here” or keywords? Click here as always been the industry standard to incentivise customers to follow you to a new area but why not blue up keywords to support search.
4. Why no images? – If you don’t use images you are missing out on vital search points, the alt tags and the fact they don’t make what you are writing so text heavy.
5. Answering your comments – I personally get rather upset if I don’t get a response to a question or comment and I always endeavour to reply as it makes you feel valued and that you are helping someone.
6. Social icons – Now this is an often debated topic about placing icons and if they affect your readers, but if you don’t plaster them at the top and people enjoy what you produce you are more likely to have them follow your social accounts.
7. Analytics – again, to begin with you may not be bothered about this but as you spend more time and resources writing you may want to know if people are seeing what you write, so it’s always good to invest in a free option.
8. Hiding recent / popular posts – I may read a blog and want to reference in months to come, but you hide your content or don’t have a filter, BIG NO!
Below you will find outlines on how you can rectify your misstep to boost your blog’s traffic and increase your content’s reach.
Learn more about Everyday Blog Mistakes below:
Credit to – http://www.prdaily.com/Main/Articles/20554.aspx